오랫만에 강남모토라드에 들려 이번주 토요일 신차발표회를 갖게될 신형 6기통 투어러 K1600GT의 모습을 먼저 살짝 훔쳐 봤습니다.(이번주말에는 설악 미륵장군봉을 등반하는 암벽팀과 설악산에서 야영을 함께 하기로 약속이 되어있어 토요일 BMW 프레젠테이숀 행사에 참석이 불가능해 미리 눈도장...^^)
모토사이클 제왕이라 불리는 6기통 혼다 골드윙과 바로 그 제왕자리를 탈취하기 위한 새로운 6기통 BMW K1600GT의 혈투가 벌써부터 궁금해질랑 하네요..^^
현재 Ride-and-Camp용으로 사용하고 있는 본인의 R1200GS는 오랜기간 동안 세계의 모토사이클 업체들이 도전할 엄두조차 못내는 On/Off 로드를 주파할 수 있는 특별하 기능의 듀얼퍼포스 모토사이클인데요(KTM의 오프성이 강한 990과 R1200GS를 비교하는 것은 사실 무리), 얼마전 드디어 일본 야마하에서 R1200GS를 겨냥한 "수퍼테레네"란 모델을 과감하게 출시하며 도전장을 내밀었습니다(이태리의 스텔비오가 출시되었고, 수퍼테레네까지 출시되었의 듀얼퍼포스 장르에도 치열한 경쟁시대가 도래..^^). 아직은 수퍼테레네가 BMW의 R1200GS를 따라잡기에는 무리지만, 소비자의 입장에서는 매우 바람직한 시도라는 생각. 오랜기간동안 노우하우가 쌓인 R1200GS를 따라잡을려면 앞으로도 상당기간 뼈를 깎는 노력이 있어야 하겠지만, 이런 시도자체만으로도 결연한 야마하의 의지를 엿볼 수 있어 절로 박수를 쳐주게 되네요. (뭐든 경쟁자가 있어야만 발전속도가 빠릅니다. 독점하게되면 아무래도 이런저런 폐해가 나타나게되죠..^^)
오랜기간동안 On Road 모토사이클의 제왕자리를 차지하고 있는 골드윙 GL1800을 넘보는 바이크로는 BMW의 LT기종이 유일무이 합니다. 그러나 성능면에서는 4기통과 6기통을 비교하는 것 조차 쑥쓰럽다 싶게 골드윙의 압승. (현재상태에서 R1200GS와 수퍼테레네를 동일선상에서 비교하는 것이 크게 무리인것 처럼...)
이번에 BMW에서 야심차게 출시한 주행성능이 크게 향상된 K1600GT의 선전을 기대하여 봅니다. 이 기종은 골드윙을 상대로하였던 LT기종이 아닌 GT기종이기 때문에 사실 대놓고 골드윙과 비교하기는 좀 그렇긴 합니다만..(이 기종의 출시로 기존의 골드윙의 자리가 위협을 받게될 경우 혼다에서도 꼭꼭 숨겨놓고 있는 전혀 새로운 모습으로 풀체인지된 골드윙 신형을 등장시킬겁니다. 모르죠 BMW에서도 신형 LT를 꼭꼭 숨겨놓고 신형 골드윙이 출시되기만을 기다리고 있는지도...)
조립을 끝내고 신차발표회를 기다리고 있는 K1600GT 6기통 BMW 투어러의 모습
K1600GT의 국내출시를 기념하는 기록사진을 한장 남겼습니다.
2011년 6월4일 강남모토라드에서 국내 첫출시 프레젠테이숀을 같는다고 합니다. 시간되시는 분들 한번 가보세요
2012년형 골드윙의 국내출시가 멀지않은싯점에 공개되는 BMW 최초의 6기통 투어러에 대한 라이더들의 관심이 많죠. 외국사이트에서는 라이딩기들이 벌써 많이들 올라와 있습니다. 2012년 골드윙은 기존의 골드윙을 더욱 과감하게 페이스 리프트하여 새로 출시된 K1600GT에 맞서고 있습니다. (그러나 많이 골드윙 라이더들이 예상하고 있던 수준의 체인지가 없어 실망스러웠던 것이 사실)
첫인상이 아주 다부지게 생겼구만...(허기사 4000만원대의 모토사이클들인데 다부져도 지대루 다부져야지..ㅎㅎ..)
The BMW Grand Tourismo, or K1600GT as you see it here, is intended to be the ultimate sport touring motorcycle. It has a combination of sporting pedigree, touring amenities that are hard to beat and it’s the latest offering in a popular genre among riders around the world. BMW has established itself as a leader in the Super Sport-Touring segment by engineering some of the most powerful and best handling ST machines on the road. For 2011 there’s the all new, early
BMW pitches the ultimate driving machines, but does the new K1600GT live up? See the new Beemer in action in our 2012 BMW K1600GT First Ride Video.
release 2012 model year K1600GT which for all intents and purposes has ensured that legacy continues for a few more years. The GT, with this curious new engine configuration, has added a new element to the battle for class supremacy: An inimitable identity that starts with its Inline Six-Cylinder engine. The K1600GT is based on the same chassis platform as the 2012 BMW K1600GTL with a few less amenities but the same healthy dose of power from that smooth-running Six.
The new K1600GT replaces the Inline Four-powered K1300GT as BMW’s premier Sport Touring bike. This may come as a shock to owners of the venerable 1300 model which has been a popular sport touring mount for many years. But believe me when I say you won’t miss it because the new bike is even more impressive.
If you haven’t already read about the American-focused 2012 BMW K1600GTL then you’ll be interested to know how we feel about the new engine in particular. In short, we love it. The Inline Six churns out a wonderful amount of power and torque in a silky smooth manner. It has good low- and mid-range power then comes on like gangbusters after that. Plus, it emits a howling sound that will turn heads and make it very difficult to let off the throttle on long, open roads.
![This cutaway of the 2012 BMW K1600GT GTL engine shows the complex valve train but also the transmission. Check out the 90-degree gears that power the Paralever shaft drive unit.](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GT-63268.jpg)
![Believe it or not the 2012 BMW K1600GT GTL Six-Cylinder engine is only 22-inches wide.](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GT-63272.jpg)
![The 2012 BMW K1600GT and GTL engine cases are light. In fact the entire engine weighs in at 226 lbs.](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GT-72418.jpg)
Inside the K1600GT Six-cylinder DOHC engine features 24 valves (Left) and a stacked transmission that helps keep the entire
package light and more compact than you might expect. A single throttle body simplifies the fuel-injection system (Center). A closer look at the engine cases (Right) reveals a very close tolerance between the bank of six cylinders. It doesn't get any closer than this.
Inside that new mill is a bank of six dainty pistons that spin to an indicated 8500 rpm redline as they crank out a claimed 160 horsepower at the crank. There's also an equally impressive 129 lb-ft of torque which arrives at just about 5200 rpm, 70% of which is available after 1500 rpm according to BMW. Think of the GT engine as a hotrod powerplant tucked inside a plush exterior, an iron fist concealed within a velvet glove, if you will. The engine, as we stated before, is an engineering masterpiece. Each cylinder is separated by a mere 5mm and overall width is surprising at only 22 inches wide. That is right on par with the Inline Four it replaces.
On the curvy roads of South Africa, the new K1600GT is a capable sport motorcycle.
Modern advancements in metallurgy allowed such close tolerances to become a reality. In particular, the new gasket material was cited as one key element that is often overlooked in such a layout, as is the latest casting processes. With the cylinders placed so close together the fuel delivery system could have gone a number of directions. Six miniscule throttle bodies would be a nightmare to maintain and a trio of traditional multi-bodied injectors was considered, but in the end a large single throttle body with six ports channeling fuel to each cylinder was the final solution.
This simple and compact fuel-injection system performed very well during our test ride. It is electronically controlled so there is a momentary lag when opening the throttle up quickly but that is reportedly a function of the system itself rather than a flaw. There’s no need to unleash the full power of the Six, apparently. Overall throttle response is smooth and once you get a feel for how the bike accelerates and where the meat of the power is, you will never want to leave that sweet spot. At around 6000 rpm the bike is pure unadulterated fun. Roll on the throttle and it accelerates hard with a hair-raising howl. There’s even a bad-ass gear whine lurking in there somewhere. Switch off the traction control and the thing will even pull wheelies.
![Both the 2012 BMW K1600GT and GTL utilize Weighted Clutch which reduces the amount of effort it takes to pull in the clutch lever. The result is a lighter pull but it gives us a weird pulsation at slow speeds.](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GT-72403.jpg)
![With 6 intake ports to deal with there were plenty of options for getting fuel into the engine but BMW finally settled on a single throttle body feeding all six intakes - 2012 BMW K1600GT - GTL Technology](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GT-72416.jpg)
![The chain-driven DOHC layout of the 2012 BMW K1600GT GTL engine really spins with the bike making peak horsepower at just under 8000 rpm.](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GT-63273.jpg)
A closely stacked 6-speed transmission (Left) helps to keep the new engine compact. The single throttle body simplifies the fuel-injection system layout (Center). These components combine to make for a very tidy layout of the new Inline Six-cylinder engine.
The six-speed transmission retains that distinct BMW ka-thunk on engagement but it never failed to slip into gear. The GT has all the right tools including a slipper-clutch. Gearing seemed to be great for touring as it can spool up past triple digit speeds with nary a significant vibration. First gear is fine in the parking lots and minimal clutch work is required to get going from a stop. First is a fairly tall gear so it doesn’t like to ride at a real slow pace. The pull at the lever is really light, thanks in part to the “weighted clutch” design. Basically the clutch pull was heavy so BMW came up with a way to assist it internally – but it comes at a price. When you are creeping along you can feel the clutch lever pulse as the engine lugs, in a manner that reminds me of a sportbike slipper clutch when you are feathering it into a turn. It’s weird but it works.
![2012 BMW K1600GT First Ride](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/large/K1600GT_5357V.jpg)
Wind protection on the K1600GT is excellent with its wide, tall & adjustable windscreen shielding the rider from the elements.
Power is put to the ground via shaft-driven single-sided Paralever swingarm. The design has undergone many refinements over the years and the latest iteration continues to be smooth and well integrated into the overall platform. It resists the funky lash of the early-generation shaft-drives and the promise of low maintenance continues to be a selling point. As with the GTL, a single adjustable shock handles suspension duties on the back. Our GT test units featured the Premium Package ($3640) that includes the Audio System (Sirius Satellite radio, iPod/USB), GPS Preparation (Unit is extra), radio software and the Safety Package which includes the Adaptive Headlight, Dynamic Traction Control and tire pressure monitor. It was also equipped with the GT Luxury Package that consists of the second generation of the BMW Electronic Suspension Adjustment (ESA II), so changes in your riding style as well as rebound damping and spring rate are all open for alteration with the push of a button. The central locking system allows all bags and compartments to be locked/unlocked by a single switch with an alarm.
The multi-controller wheel on the left handle bar manages almost all of the electronics, radio and communications, plus the majority of the software. This is not a beginner’s bike, my friends, there is a load of amenities at your fingertips but you have to learn how to access and change them all on the fly. Otherwise you’ll need to carry the instruction manual around with you and stop to make the changes. once you get it down, though, it will keep you entertained and comfortable for hours on end.
Up front the trademark Duolever front end offers a sure-footed ride once again. Although front-end feel is forgone for stability and dive resistance, the Duolever is great for touring bikes. You can push the GT harder than you would expect considering the size of the bike. It weighs in at a claimed 703-lbs ready to ride and stretches seven and a half feet from
![2012 BMW K1600GT First Ride](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/large/K1600GT_5416.jpg)
The K1600GT looks great on the move and standing still. Its saddle bags are well integrated into the overall design and the optional Central Locking Systems allows them to be locked or unlocked with the push of a button.
tip to tail, yet it feels agile. Balance is well thought out and handling is quite stable with its 66-inch wheelbase and aforementioned mass. We hustled the GT along some spectacular roads through the Franschhoek Pass, Du Toit Mountains and foothills of Aasvoelberg while riding the hills of South Africa’s southern wine country. The pavement was bumpy but clean as it twisted and turned along steep mountain ranges, and the entire lot of us was compelled to push it harder and harder as our confidence grew with every turn. The front end sticks to the road like Velcro and the suspension does a wonderful job of sheltering the rider from road imperfections. Plus, it handles both switchbacks, long and wide sweepers as well as sharp turns in a way that surprised me throughout the ride.
These 2012 BMW K1600GT and K1600GTL will feature ABS as standard equipment along with the dynamic leveling headlight (this is only half of the Adaptive headlight technology – the optional side-to-side lighting completes the functionality), heated seat and grips, cruise control, onboard computer, multi-controller and adjustable windshield. This is a huge step for BMW which has been a leader in ABS technology within the industry after introducing the technology to motorcycles 23 years ago. Now, BMW is one of the first manufacturer to offer ABS as standard equipment.
“Plain and simple, being able to stop a motorcycle faster and more predictably helps prevent a rider from becoming a statistic,” explains Pieter de Waal, Vice President, BMW Motorrad USA. “It’s time for all of us in the motorcycle industry to embrace the benefits of ABS. Extensive testing by safety experts, law enforcement authorities and journalists around the world consistently demonstrates that ABS reduces overall crashes and saves lives.”
![2012 BMW K1600GT First Ride](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GTL-Blinkers.jpg)
![BMW is one of the first motorcycle manufacturers to include ABS as standard equipment. Both the 2012 BMW K1600GT and K1600GTL incorporate this safety technology.](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GT-66716.jpg)
![2012 BMW K1600GT First Ride](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/med/BMW-K1600GTL-Multi-Controller.jpg)
Indicator lights are large and conspicuous when lit up (Left) on the front. The detail view (Center) offers a glimpse at the BMW ABS system layout. From the seat you can see the Multi-controller wheels on the left handle bar as well as a detailed information system on the dash. The analog speedometer and tach are big, bold and easy to read at a glance. The controls are very still very busy.
Our test units were also equipped with BMW’s Dynamic Traction Control which monitors engine torque and factors in the bike’s lean angle and wheel spin in an effort to reduce the risk of crashing on rough, dirty or wet roads. You can adjust the level of TC or turn it off entirely depending on your needs. I found it seamlessly integrated into the bike as we blasted Franschoek’s canyon roads. The only time it was annoying was when trying to pull wheelies for the camera – because I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off without looking at the user manual.
There are plenty of sporty characteristics to keep a rider satisfied though. The riding position is slightly more aggressive than the GTL with the rider canted forward two inches further than the GTL and the pegs are two inches higher and moved forward about 45-degrees toward the bars for a more aggressive stance. The seat is quite comfortable too; it’s flat and well-padded and I found the riding position to be great for sport touring. Over the long haul, the GT is actually more comfortable for me at 5’ 8,” but taller riders reported the GTL was better suited for them with the extra leg room and upright riding position. Seat height is
![2012 BMW K1600GT First Ride](http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/large/K1600GT_6222.jpg)
These type of corners made up a large portion of our Sport Touring ride outside of Franschhoek. Loads of big, sweeping curves and treacherous run-off made the ride very exciting.
a real point of interest for BMW. The standard seat has a range of adjustability between 31.9-to-32.7 inches. There’s an optional low seat which offers a range from 31.5-to-30.7 inches as well. Factor in the amenities including the Adaptive Headlight, electronically adjustable windscreen, ESA II, Traction Control and it is hard deny that the GT is a formidable sport touring motorcycle that doesn’t compromise much in either the sport or the touring aspects of the riding experience.
Like the GTL, the GT is a technologically advanced bike. In addition to all the methods intended to make the riding experience better, the bike also features creature comforts including a communications system, entertainment system and provisions for navigation that push it close to the Luxury-Touring side of the spectrum. You can sync your Bluetooth setup to the GT and get info or tunes piped directly into your helmet. I found that the annoying GPS voice outweighed the entertainment offered by the music so I listened to tunes the old fashioned way - cranked through the dash-mounted through speakers and MP3.
The windscreen is electronically adjustable, providing a significant range of wind protection and
adjustability. At full mast the windscreen is overkill for a short rider like myself and the fairing offers so much in the way of protection that BMW actually came up with a simple ventilation mechanism that channels air right into the rider’s lap. Two side vent/tabs are manually opened and the extra airflow is a huge difference from when they are closed off.
If you didn’t get the impression that the K1600GT is a great motorcycle then let’s make that statement clear. BMW’s new K1600GT has raised the bar in the Sport-Touring category. Its combination of rider comfort, powerful engine and state-of-the-art technology integrated across the board are sure to make it the most coveted sport-touring bike on the market today.
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